Altered Landscapes
This selection of color photographs is from the ongoing series Altered Landscapes with work dating from 2007 to the present. As a landscape photographer I explore cultures’ view of nature and the ways in which we occupy and alter our world. I photograph the landscape as human construct and for its natural beauty. We ‘landscape’ and beautify our surroundings, preserve and protect our parks. We intervene and mold the land, exploit and attempt to control and harness nature, to defy and neglect it. I honor a sense of place, collective and individual memory, and identity in relation to the land. I’m interested in the domestic, private, and the ‘small’ as well as the sublime. Some images are amusing, ironic, and puzzling; some imply social and political consequences of immediate, if not critical, importance. I photograph to make art to make sense of my world and to give form to that sense. It is a process and search for understanding.